I started training with Simon on March 27, 2023. What drew me to sign up with Simon was the emphasis he places on weight training and on focusing on recovery when an athlete is sick or injured. He is the complete package. I love that he is constantly giving me feedback either through email or Training Peaks. That makes me feel confident that if I have a question or a change in my schedule he will receive the message and be able to make adjustments to my Training Peaks.
My lean muscle mass has gone up as has my FTP while my weight has stayed the same, for me that is a win!
My performance and confidence on the bike have shot up since I started training with Simon. This year, thanks to my training with Simon, I had the strength, endurance, and self-confidence to cross the Pyrenees in 6 days. He believed in me while I had so many doubts that I was going to be able to finish the ride. His faith in me, and in the training he had guided me through, gave me the self-assurance to pedal from Girona to San Sebastián, which includes more than 700 kilometers and 17,000 meters on the bike. It was an unforgettable experience and one that I am extremely proud of. I am looking forward to the next challenge.
Simon understands that life can be hectic and he makes sure to program my workout sessions so that I get the best results from the amount of time available. He respects the time restraints that come from work, family, social life and travel. I can’t stress enough how gratifying it is to work with a coach that understands that while training is important it isn’t the only thing in life that matters.
I assume that I am not alone when it comes to not knowing when to rest, or when to not train if I am feeling off, or feeling like I am about to get sick, or if I had a late night or too much to drink. Backing off is so hard to do for a lot of us. Simon emphasizes listening to your body and giving it a rest when those situations arise. I have told him several times that he takes better care of my health than I do and I mean it. That is something that I value. There is no doubt that training with Simon has been a game-changer for me. I am excited about what is to come in 2024.