1. What was the number 1 thing that made cycling difficult/you couldn’t do/found hard before we started working together?

In January I set some ambitious goals to take on a couple of big endurance challenges - distances and terrain I'd never attempted before. I didn't know how much I needed to do to get into shape to achieve these goals. Having Sue set the structure to build the fitness and mindset was key. Above all, having the plan in place with her constant 1-2-1 feedback, kept me engaged and accountable. 

2. What do you like most about the training and coaching?

Sue's approach to a plan factors in 'real life', like work and social commitments. While making sure I was getting enough out of the sessions, we also kept in the fun sessions, like my weekly track session. It meant that I didn't lose the love of cycling and training didn't become a chore. Then 1-2-1 coaching meant we could tailor the training on a weekly, or sometimes even daily basis depending on how I was feeling or any work / social commitments that came up. At times it was a hard slog - the double-session days, the end of a training block - but Sue is like a torque wrench, she knows just how much to push before anything breaks! 

3. What are three benefits/results you've experienced as a result of us working together?

I achieved my goals! It started out by just wanting to complete Dirty Reiver 200km gravel ride and the Pennine Rally 512km Edinburgh to Manchester, but when I saw the Fastest Known Time for a women for the Pennine Rally route was 61hours, I decided I wanted to attempt a sub-61 hour time. Riding the distance unsupported and solo was a completely new territory for me. It felt like it was in the realm of possibility, but I had no idea what I needed to do to prepare. With Sue's guidance and training plan, I built the mental and physical fitness to be able to give it a go. I'm pleased to say, I did achieve my sub-61 hours, coming in at 58 hours and 2mins.  

4. If you were to recommend VPCC (me) to other cyclists, what would you say? and why?

Seeing and feeling fitness build over time was so rewarding. There's no way I would've stuck to a plan if I didn't have Sue's constant feedback and check-ins. 

Personal needs change regularly and Sue tailors the plan to cater for those needs. Her knowledge of the Training Peaks system, overlaid with incredible insight and years of real-life training and coaching experience specifically for women, gave me every opportunity to achieve my goals. I wouldn't have been able to do it without her. 



