Frequently asked questions
Helping cyclists hitting 40+ train effectively, be stronger on hills, hold power for longer, get leaner and ride their next event with confidence.

How Is The Training Delivered?
Coaching is written in Training Peaks an application that can be viewed on your computer or mobile. It’s a great tool that delivers daily reminders of your training and shows you exactly where you are so you can monitor your progress. Your training is planned at least a week in advance, feedback is given via Training Peaks most Tuesdays and Thursdays as a standard practice however I'm generally checking in Monday to Thursday. On weekdays Monday to Thursday you can instant message me through either Watts App or Facebook Messenger from 9 am to 5 pm outside those times I'm not in the office and you can send me an email with questions. Once a month we touch base and talk either via Zoom, Watts App Video Call or a telephone call. Outside of this if I feel your feedback needs more of an in-depth conversation I will set up a call to help you move forward quickly. For instant queries, or to ask general questions about training or nutrition use the VPCC Members Only Facebook Page. It's a great database of information and a super-friendly space to ask these questions.
You’ll also get gym or home strength training plans. Strength is the foundation of your power and speed. As such, you need to buy into the fact that you simply have to lift heavy. Want to get faster up hills and have better endurance in sportives, this is the key to making you a better, faster cyclist.
Is The Training Inside Or Outside?
Spring And Summer
Your training plans will be written in a way where you can either choose an indoor or outdoor session. This gives you the structure that you need to reach your goals and flexibility should you be short on time or the weather is miserable.
Autumn and Winter
Mid-week the training is on the turbo. At the weekend you have the choice to ride outside or if you are tight on time or the weather is poor you can follow the alternative turbo sessions.
What Equipment Do I need?
To get the best from this training you need a power meter, smart phone, direct drive turbo trainer, chest heart rate monitor, Garmin device or similar, Zwift, free Training Peaks account and a road bike.
The minimum equipment you need is a smart phone, heart rate monitor, turbo trainer with a power meter attached to your bike, Garmin device, free Training Peaks account and a road bike.
What If I Don’t Have A Power Meter?
Currently I don’t write programs on Heart Rate alone. All the programs are written with power values and RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion).
You don’t need a power meter for outdoor sessions but you will need a power meter and a dumb turbo trainer or a smart turbo trainer or stationary bike such as a Watt Bike for indoor sessions.
Outdoor sessions are written in power and RPE. You will be given a full explanation of the why, what and how to perform these sessions to their best.
What If I Don’t Have A Direct Drive Smart Turbo?
A standard turbo trainer will do plus you will need a heart rate monitor, and a power meter attached to your bike. Without these it will be impossible for you follow and record your training.
How Much Support Will I Get From My Coach?
Each moth I’ll give you constructive feedback with what you’ve done well and what you need to focus on. This will be delivered in a personal video, email or live call.
You’ll also get weekly feedback in Training Peaks to keep you on track and understand your progress in training in more detail. This is a great way for us to communicate. It makes you more accountable to the training, builds confidence and motivation.
Got a question ask in the VPCC Members Only Facebook Page. It’s the quickest and only way to get all your questions answered outside the monthly coaching check ins. Got a question about your training, equipment, nutrition or article you’ve read just ask, I am here to help.
Custom Plans and Base Plans
For B-Spoke Custom plan members after our initial detailed call any questions are fielded into the VPCC Members Only Facebook Page. For plan only members you go straight into the Facebook group. It’s the quickest and only way to get all your questions answered. Got a question about your training, equipment, nutrition or article you’ve read just ask, I am here to help.
Can You Tell Me More About The VPCC Facebook Group?
I am pretty proud of this feature. Unlike some Facebook groups this is a friendly forum to ask questions, get answers and be part of the VPCC community.
It’s also a great learning hub with evidence based downloadable PDFS, posts and videos on training and nutrition so you learn and grow your knowledge and get the best from your training.
The more you get involved and ask questions the more you’ll get out of it.
You can use the search bar on the left of the page to easily find anything you want to learn.
At the top of the page there are announcements. I put the most important posts in there so you never miss anything
Along side all the accountability and motivation posts and videos I also post a mid week Q & A in the group. It’s a great way to help you get the right answers and keep you focused so that you're hitting your goals.
What Happens If I’m Not On Facebook?
The Facebook forum is the hub of your coaching experience. It’s where I help you understand more about your training, give you direction and focus on your nutrition and gives a good dose of motivation and accountability with both. However, I recognize some cyclists are not on this platform so we have a Non-Interactive Spond App where we upload all our training and nutrition evidence-based articles, PDFS, and videos so you don’t miss any important coaching points.
What Happens If I Miss A Training Session On A Plan?
Let’s face it sometimes this happens and it's ok to do from time to time. So, I have designed your plan to have KEY training sessions and given them priority of importance. This way, if you are tight on time, or can only hit a few sessions you know which sessions are the most important to hit and which sessions you can drop.
What Happens If I Can Only Do The Key Sessions?
For the most part the KEY training sessions during the week are the tough sessions. I suggest you leave at least a day apart from each one so you get good recovery and if you can two days between each KEY session.
What Happens If Its Pouring With Rain?
All the training sessions are written in a format where you can either do them outside or inside on a Turbo. If the weather is horrendous or if you are short on time I have you covered.
What Is The Minimum Contract Time?
There is a minimum of three months of contract time. After that if either of us feels like we are not the right fit we can stop the coaching giving a month’s notice.
What Currencies Do You Accept?
We have members from all over the globe. All payments are taken in GBP. The conversion is done by your credit card company once you sign up. It's seamlessly easy.
What Happens If I Get Injured?
To avoid the chances of common injury rest, recovery and mobility is crucial. However, sometimes, no matter how much you look after yourself, injury happens.
Each injury is individual if its minor It can be helpful to get advice from the coaches in the Facebook group or you can ask our online Physio for an appointment.
However, if the injury is more serious we must talk. Should you need time off I can put your membership on hold until you’re ready to ease back into it.
Can We Meet Other VPCC Members?
The VPCC private Facebook group is a great way to meet and feel connected with all our members and we will organise virtual VPCC meet ups on Zwift.
I also know that it’s a lot of fun to meet In person. So, keep an eye out in the Facebook page and your email in box as I will be organising UK VPCC meet ups.
Once I Join What’s The Next Step?
You’ll be emailed confirmation of your membership, how to set up to the VPCC Training Peaks Club platform, and invite to the private VPCC Facebook group.
You’ll also have to fill out our online physical readiness to exercise questionnaire (PAR-Q).
Once I’ve received this I will create your training plan which start’s on the Monday of the following week.
After this it’s just a case of reading through the information in your welcome emails so you get a full understanding of what is required in training.
If you have a question after that, ask in the Facebook group, we here to help.