I recently returned to Simon and Velo Performance after approximately a year off the bike with house extensions and various things going on.

After two blocks of training focusing on aerobic and threshold and hill work, I was asked (told, LOL) by Simon to do another FTP test!

In 8 weeks I have seen an increase of 35 watts in my FTP, up to 315 from 280, which is not far off what I was at previously after years of training.

The sessions that Simon gives me are interesting and engaging enough in detail that keeps me motivated. Even after a month stuck indoors on the Wattbike while my bike had major repairs carried out, I am still enjoying them. I also enjoy being held to account so I tend not to miss many sessions.

The training sessions are detailed and intriguing enough to keep me interested and driven. I've been using them for a few months now, even though I was forced to ride the Wattbike inside while my road bike was getting extensive repairs. I also like being held accountable, so I don't skip training, knowing someone is watching is a powerful motivator.

For me, it is great to have a session prepared the night before so that I don't have to stress about what to do in the morning. Simon calls me after each block to check in and find out how I'm doing, what is working, and if there is anything we can do to improve.

Following Simon’s nutrition advice and posts I have also lost about 4 kg which has seen an increase in my power to weight. I can’t recommend Simon and Velo Performance highly enough and am looking forward to getting my bike back now to use that extra power out on the roads.

Bring on the next 8-week B-Spoke Plan

Bleddyn Evens


