How to get fast on your bike at 40+ (part 5)

Did you know that Vo2 is a marker of health as well as cycling performance?

We know that Vo2 declines dramatically as we get older. So, having a few well-placed Vo2 focused blocks of training through can help improve our Vo2 and our ability to keep riding fast and strong.

Vo2 sessions are tough and should get you to an effort level where the breathing is rasping. Because these are hard they should be performed fresh and in my experience, once a week for a maximum of 6 - 8 weeks. After that, you see less of a return on investment.

A good place to start Vo2 sessions are blocks of 1 mins on 1 mins off or 8 x 2 mins ten extend them out to 3 then 4 mins.

Power should be around 110% to 125% of FTP with a 1 to 1 work rest ratio which can be less as you get fitter.

I hear so many cyclists say that they've seen their power drop and get slower as they get older but here's the deal. We know that with specific training you can increase Vo2, your power, and your speed. Yeah, this takes focus and specificity which let’s face it some cyclists for whatever reason do not want to do. But for me, as you get older if you want to have the best chance of extending your ability to ride your bike fast and health span being specific and consistent is key. Quite simply. If you don't train it you'll lose it!

When was the last time you followed an 8-week Vo2 block of training?

Thanks for reading, Simon

Performance & Nutrition Director
2 X Winner of Gym Based PT, and founder of VPCC


CBGM's The good the bad the BS!


How to get fast on your bike at 40+ (part 4)